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The Crucifixion, Death, & Burial of Jesus Christ. Bible Study. John Ch 19 Part 2

Here is a teaching on chapter 19 Part 2 of the book of John. If you want to check out previous Bible studies and chapters going forward, join our group here. Once you get added into that Facebook group, you can go to the "units" tab and you'll see all of the chapters and their study guides as they are being taught.

First I want to say a quick prayer.... Lord I pray that you lift up every single person reading this right now. I pray that you open up our eyes to see the truth of your words and that you open up our mind, our ears, and our heart to you Lord. I pray that we take the truth that we learn today and implement it in our daily lives, spread that truth to other people, and teach them about the truth of God's words. I pray that we have the courage and strength to let other people know about you, Jesus, how amazing you are, and the ultimate sacrifice that you made for us to forgive us of our sins so that we may have eternal life through you. I love you with my whole heart. Jesus it's in your name that I pray, Amen.

John Chapter 19 Part 2:

17 Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). 18 Here they crucified him, and with him two others--one on each side and Jesus in the middle.

19 Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. 21 The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, "Do not write 'The King of the Jews,' but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews. 22 Pilate answered, "What I have written, I have written."

Alright, so I'm going to discuss these verses with you guys here. So in verse 17 it said that Jesus carried his own cross, but that cross represented sin, and he lived a sinless life. Jesus carried our cross for us. He carried the burden of our sins and made that ultimate sacrifice to forgive us of our sins. Now in verses 19-22, like we saw in last week's Bible study, Pilate knew that Jesus was who he said he was. So when he had that notice fastened on Jesus' cross where it says, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews" he did that on purpose, because he knew that Jesus was who he said he was. The chief priests didn't want Pilate to write that, they wanted him to put that he claimed to be the King of Jews, but he wasn't the King of the Jews. But Pilate wouldn't change it, he said that's what he wrote and he was going to keep it that way.

23 When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, dividing them into four shares, one for each of them, with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom. 24 "Let's not tear it," they said to one another. "Let's decide by lot who will get it." This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled which said, "They divided my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing." So this is what the soldiers did.

25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," 27 and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

So the scripture that it is speaking of here in verse 24 is from Psalm 22 verse 18. Then in verses 26-27 where it says here "the disciple whom Jesus loved," that was John, and he was the one that wrote the book of John. In these verses Jesus wanted to make sure that his mother would be looked after and that she would have someone there for her. He also knew that his mother and John could take care of each other and have that mother and son relationship, because Jesus knew that he was going to be going back to heaven and he wouldn't physically be there for her anymore.

28 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." 29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stock of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips. 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down. 32 The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other. 33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. 34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. 35 The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe. 36 These things happened so that scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken," 37 and as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."

I'm going to stop right there and discuss these verses with you guys here. So verses 28-30 are so powerful and I'm sure you've heard them before. Whenever Jesus said "it is finished," Jesus knew that his mission to forgive us of our sins and to save us was fulfilled. Jesus had been fully submitted to the will of God the Father and he committed his spirit to him.

Before I go any further I just wanted to take a minute for us to really recognize the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us to forgive us of our sins. Jesus lived a sinless life, he led by example, he performed miraculous signs, he taught the Jews, he showed us pure love and how we should serve and love one another. Then Jesus took our cross full of our sins, carried it, and died on that cross to forgive us of our sins so that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life with him and God the Father in heaven.

So in verse 34 it says that one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. Now we see in Luke 22:20 it says, "In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.'" That verse was from the last supper when Jesus was telling his disciples of the new covenant and the blood that is poured out for us, which we see that happening and that being fulfilled in verse 34 of this Bible study here. In verses 36-37 there's a few different scriptures that they're pertaining to here. So in verse 36 where it says "not one of his bones will be broken," the scriptures on that is Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, and Psalm 34:20. So if you want to pull out your Bible and read those verses you can. Also the scripture from verse 37 is Zechariah 12:10. So Jesus' bones weren't broken and his side was pierced to fulfill these Scriptures and so that his blood would be poured for us like we see in Luke chapter 22.

38 Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jews. With Pilate's permission, he came and took the body away. 39 He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds. 40 Taking Jesus' body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs. 41 At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. 42 Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.

Alright, so those are all the verses of chapter 19 of the book of John, but I'm going to discuss these verses with you guys here. So Joseph and Nicodemus took Jesus' body and buried it in a new tomb. Now we see Nicodemus a couple of different times in these Bible studies, but specifically in chapter 3 we saw where Jesus teaches Nicodemus. Now with them wrapping Jesus' body with the spices, that was to help preserve the body and it was part of the Jewish burial customs. They wanted to make sure that Jesus had a proper burial. They didn't want him to just be buried in a ditch somewhere or not taken care of properly.

John Ch 19 Part 2 Study Guide

  1. Why do you think that Jesus carried his own cross?

  2. In verse 19, why did Pilate fasten this notice on Jesus’ cross?

  3. In verses 26-27, why did Jesus say this to his mother and John?

  4. In verse 30 when Jesus said “It is finished,” what do those words mean to you?

  5. Why did one of the soldiers pierce Jesus’ side?

  6. Why did Joseph and Nicodemus take Jesus’ body and bury it in a new tomb?

  7. What is your biggest takeaway from this Bible study?

On Easter will be our next episode and we're going to go into the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but there are a few things I want you guys to take from this Bible study and to really soak in before we go into his resurrection:

1. Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for us.

2. Jesus was condemned by people with hate in their heart and that had stubborn hearts

3. Jesus carried our cross to forgive us of our sins.

4. Jesus lived a sinless life.

5. Jesus was full of mercy, grace, love and righteousness.

6. Jesus suffered for us, so that we may have eternal life through him.

In this world we're going to have troubles and we're going to suffer in the name of Jesus Christ. As believers of Jesus Christ it's so important for us to stand firm in our faith, to follow Jesus, to study our Bible, to learn the truth of his words, and spread those truths and love and light and the gospel to others so that they may know Jesus, believe in him, and have eternal life in heaven also.

So I will see you guys on Easter for our Bible study on chapter 20 of the book of John.

I love you guys so much.

Never forget to choose faith over fear.

-Lorena Camille (Faith Fuels My Fire)

p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along with this hot mess life of mine. New episodes every week.

For weekly Bible Studies, tune in every week to my podcast. Every week I go over a new chapter/s of the Book of John.

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Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.


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