Have you been wanting to make your health a priority, but something keeps holding you back?
Have you been telling yourself "Tomorrow I'll start.... Monday I'll start..... On the first I will for sure start," and you still haven't started?
Trust me, girl.... I get it.
I've struggled for years with prioritizing my health and really sticking with mindful eating, nutrition, exercise. There have been times where I kept saying I'd start and it took me months to actually start, and there have been times where I jumped right into a "diet" and failed quickly.
During the past couple of years, I have been really prioritizing my spiritual health and my mental health and now I'm stepping into prioritizing my physical health and there is no better time than now to get started.
Let's go over some things that might be holding you back from prioritizing your health:
1. Being busy.
- This was always a big one for me.
2. Being stuck inside of your comfort zone.
- Being stuck inside your comfort zone is very toxic because it can hold you back from so many blessings and so many amazing things in life.
- You have to constantly get out of your comfort zone if you want to get to where you want to be in life.
3. Fear of failure.
- If you never start something, then you never have to fail anything.
- A lot of people just get stuck in the same place that they've been at that they're not happy with because they're afraid putting their all into something and then at the end of the day failing
- Ironically, fear of failure is usually what causes someone to end up failing because they're so afraid to fail that they end up sabotaging themselves and failing anyway or never even getting started.
4. It's just too much work.
- Maybe you're already slammed with all of the things that you already have going on.
- Maybe it just seems like it's way too much work and you're not ready to tackle it right now (I know this is what I was thinking.)
- But guys, we're never actually going to be ready.
5. You just don't know where to start.
- Maybe you are ready to prioritize your health, but you just don't know where to begin.
- There are so many meal plans, health and wellness products, and fitness coaches promoting different things, it may be difficult to decide what is best for you.
These are all things that I've had holding me back at one time or another when I wanted to start prioritizing my health. If one or more of these things have been holding you back, don't worry because I've got solutions for you.
All right, so now that we went over some things that are holding you back, let's go over some solutions and why right NOW is the perfect time to start prioritizing your health.
1. Solution for “being busy”:
-The way the world is today, a lot of things are slower than they used to be because of this quarantine.
-Even though I know that a lot of places are going through phases where they're starting to open up new things, but in retrospect, everything is a lot less busy or people are a lot less busy because of the Coronavirus and this quarantine.
- So we have more time to be able to focus on things that are important to us and to really just take a step back and realize what's important, what to prioritize, and really tackle that thing or those things and take that leap of faith.
- Maybe you are still busy at this time.,but even whenever you are busy, you have to think of, okay, what is important in my life right now? What should I make a priority? And when it comes to your health, anything that you want to do in life, no matter what it is, to be able to do it to the best of your ability, you have to have optimal health, which means you have to focus on transforming your mind, spirit, and body.
2. Solution for being stuck inside of your comfort zone:
- Nothing great ever happened or no one ever did anything great being stuck inside their comfort zone.
- The people in this world that have major success and the great athletes in this world, the public speakers, all of those people, they're constantly having to get out of their comfort zone.
- And I know for a lot of people, especially for me in my comfort zone, I was still uncomfortable, but it was something that I was comfortable with, which doesn't really make any sense. Why would you be comfortable with being uncomfortable?
- But it just comes to a point where you have to make a decision. Are you going to be comfortable with being uncomfortable? Or are you going to get out of your comfort zone so you can really focus on the important things in life and making sure that you have optimal health and you're performing to the best of your ability so you can fulfill the purpose that God has for you?
- Okay. Let's just think right now, I'm going to ask you guys a very hypothetical question. What if the Lord called you to go on a mission trip to Africa or somewhere with very harsh conditions? Would you be at a place right now with your health that you could comfortably get out of your comfort zone and do that? I really want you to ask yourself that. Would you be able to do that right now?
- I know for me, I thought about that before this quarantine and all that happened, I really thought about what If the Lord wanted me to go on a mission trip because that's something that I've always wanted to do. I just haven't felt that calling you yet to go and do that. And I know the way that my health was, I wasn't prepared for that especially for a mission trip to have harsh conditions, you need to have optimal health with your mind, body, and spirit.
- So I really had to ask myself that. What if the Lord called me to go on a mission trip right now? I wouldn't be able to handle that, it would be super, super difficult for me to do that. And you cannot let your comfort zone or getting stuck in your comfort zone hold you back from doing what the Lord is calling you to do. You have to just take that leap of faith and do it.
- It's the same thing with your physical health. Just because you're stuck inside your comfort zone does not mean that it's a good thing. It's not a good thing to be stuck inside your comfort zone. You just have to take that leap of faith, get outside of your comfort zone, and push yourself every single day to be better and to do better.
3. Solution for fear of failure:
- If you don't have a failure, then how are you ever going to expect to grow in life?
- So I'm going to use it as an example right now being an online entrepreneur and a network marketer because whenever you are doing network marketing or being an entrepreneur period, part of the growth process is failing.
- I know whenever I first started being an online entrepreneur and doing network marketing, I was constantly trying new ways to do things and failing. But that was part of the learning process and it taught me what not to do and what to do going forward.
- And that's the same thing for anything that you want to do in life or anything that you want to accomplish in life.
- You're going to have to try new things and sometimes you may fail. But that's just part of the learning and the growth process.
- So we have to stop being afraid to fail and we have to just take that leap of faith and actually do the thing.
- And we can't think of failure as being bad. Failure is just helping us get one step closer to where we want to be.
- So we have to get out of our own way, get out of our own toxic mindset and stop being afraid of failure, stop being stuck inside of our comfort zone, stop using excuses and just do whatever it is that we want to do and we'll figure it out along the way.
4. Solution for it being too much work:
- Nothing in life worth having comes easy.
- You have to work hard for anything that you want to do in life, and you have to have a healthy mindset.
- You have to be healthy spiritually and physically to be able to tackle the things to the best of your ability.
- So I'm just going to use another hypothetical question. So let's say that you're working in a corporate job and you're offered a new position where you can get double pay, but you're going to have a lot more work on your plate. Would you turn down that offer to get way more pay just because it's going to be too much work?
- I know nine times out of 10 most people are not going to turn that down. They're not going to turn down getting double pay just because it's going to be more work for them. They're just going to have to double down, focus, and really tackle it to get to where they want to be.
- If we really want to do something, we're going to do it no matter what. So we can't use that excuse of it being too much work to just not do it.
- You have to get out of that mindset of it being too much work and just get the work done and rely on God every step of the way to give you strength.
"I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me. "
-Philippians 4:13
- So just because making your health a priority and transforming your mind, body, and spirit is a lot of work, doesn't mean that we shouldn't do it.
5. Solution for not knowing where to start:
- You just have to do it to know the best thing for you.
- I have literally tried so many different "diets."
- I have done the Atkins, I have gone vegan, I have done no sugar. I've done a lot of different things to try out and see what was for me and what worked best for my body and I'm still doing that.
- To this day. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to fuel my body and exactly what my body needs to be able to perform at its best.
- So the thing about not knowing where to start first, you just have to start. You just have to do it and you can always figure it out along the way.
- The most important thing is just leaning on God for guidance and direction because he's never going to steer you in the wrong direction. As long as you're following him and leaning on him for knowledge and wisdom, he's going to guide you in the right direction and on the right path.
We have to get out of our own head of thinking that we're too busy, we don't want to get out of that comfort zone., we're afraid to fail, It's going to be too much work, and we're not sure where to start. We have to throw all of those limiting beliefs out the window and just do it. Just do the thing and we have to make a decision every single day to continue to do it.
Our health is so important. Our mind, our spirit, and our body are so important and we have to constantly be fueling our mind, constantly be pouring scripture into ourselves, praying, and getting closer to God. We have to constantly be mindful eating, focusing on nutrition, exercise, and just being the best versions of ourselves so we can stay faithful to what God is calling us to do and fulfill the purpose that he has for us.
So if you've really been thinking about making your health a priority and wanting to lose weight, wanting to get more exercise, wanting to learn how to eat healthier, or whatever the case may be, just go ahead and do it. You can figure everything else out along the way. Lean on God. Trust that God's got you and you've got this.
Here right now at this moment, is the PERFECT TIME to start. It doesn't matter if you're reading this on a Monday, Friday, or any other day, right now is the perfect time to start because there's no better time than now. And if you don't do it now, then when? When are you actually gonna do it? You've been telling yourself, "Oh, tomorrow I'm going to do it." "Oh, Monday I'm going to do it." "Oh, next month on the first I'm going to do it." Just do it, just start now, and figure it out along the way and lean on God for guidance and support.
I hope this helped you guys to give you that push to really prioritize your health and know that right now is the perfect time to do it.
So let's make a commitment right here, right now. If you are really committed to working on transforming your health, your mental, spiritual, and physical health, get out a piece of paper, get out the notes on your phone, however you want to do it, and write down. Or you can text a friend right now and say, I am committed to transforming my mental, physical, and spiritual health for the next _ days (you can choose however many days that you want to commit to. )
I made a commitment to myself. I wrote it down, I also texted someone and let them know, that I was committing to 90 days of transforming my mind, body, and spirit. And right now as I'm typing this, I'm on day 6. Every day I'm focusing on starting the day with God and making sure that I stay with a healthy relationship with him. I'm also doing personal development and coping mechanisms. So whenever I start to get anxious or worried or anything like that, I do coping mechanisms, which I actually have on one of my podcast episodes, five ways to help you cope with your anxiety if you want to check it out.
Disclaimer, I'm not any type of professional when it comes to mental health, when it comes to physical health, or when it comes to spiritual health. I'm not a professional or certified. I'm just giving you guys tips based on my experience, I'm bringing you guys along this journey with me, and whenever I find things that work for me, I let you guys know. So hopefully they will work for you also if you've been dealing with the same things that I have.
I am so, so excited about this new journey and if you made that commitment to prioritize your health and to transform your mind, body, and spirit, that is freaking awesome. Congratulate yourself because you took the first step, you made that commitment. Now go and do it, lean on God, he will give you strength, you just have to ask him for it. And if you made the commitment to prioritize your health for the next 90 days or however long you did it, please message me and let me know. I would love to know that you guys are also going to be prioritizing your health and we can support each other and help each other through this.
Also if you want to follow along on this journey with me, make sure you check out my stories so you can get recipes and engage with me on my stories.
I love you guys so much.
I'm going to say a prayer for you guys. So if you would please just close your eyes and pray with me. Lord, I pray that you'd be with every single person that's reading to this right now. Lord, I pray that you give them the strength, the courage, and the consistency to be able to do whatever it is that they put their mind to. Lord, I pray that you open up their heart, their mind, their body, and their spirit to you and that you transform them and every single aspect. And I pray that they just take your hands through every single thing that they do in life and that they know and trust that you're in complete control and that you have their best interest at heart. And I pray that they let go of all of their limiting beliefs and they just trust completely in you and themselves. And they just start. They just start doing whatever it is that they want to do. Start prioritizing their health and they stay faithful to the calling that you've placed on their heart, Lord. In your name. Amen.
Never forget to choose faith over fear.
-Lorena Camille (Faith Fuels My Fire)
p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along this hot mess life of mine. New episodes every week.
For daily Bible Studies, check out my YouTube Channel. Each day I go over a new chapter of the Book of Jeremiah.
You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_.) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories. I'll follow you back :)
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